Hudba: Mentol, Lindros (02),
Text: Mentol
Namícháno: během roku 2013
v Bohemian Hell studiu v Žatci (bicí),
v Litvínově a Loučné (Mentolsound)
červenec 2024- Loučná (zpěvy)
Remix a Remastering: červenec - srpen 2024 (Mentol)
Vydáno: 5.8.2024
Mentol - kytary, zpěv
Vony - basa
Brady - bicí
DAMNATION (2024) - lyrics
Point of no Return __________________cz
If you wanna see the flames swallow your house,
You should strike a match and throw it inside
If you wanna see the blood streaming on the grass
You should take the knife and kill your dreams tonight
If you wanna feel blood streaming in your veins,
You should take the razor blade and you will know, what is pain
If you wanna see as everything you´ve done now burn
You should make the step to the point, the point of no return
Just one thought in your brain
Just one step into the flame
Just one bang in your face
Just one kick in your ass
If you wanna taste the bitter of the life,
You should make the step and cheat on your wife
Alchemist I. (Damnation) __________cz
I´m trapped in the strange castle
Far away from my home
Deep in the woods of North
and my soul is so alone
I don´t know, why I am here
here in the edge of worlds
I displeased myself in his eyes
Why, that only God knows
Forest is full of magic
It´s ready to take my mind
The land is dark and silent
the local people are so blind
Why do I feel like a stranger
misunderstanding at this place
This city of enemies
Is waiting for my disgrace
I hate this town – where I am imprisoned
It will be falling down – to the depths of the earth
I hate these people – just puppets in his hands
Suicide is redemption for me
Alchemist II. (Return)_______________cz
It was many years ago, when I damned this town
´cause people living here were like enemies
I left this world by my own hand
And now I´m back to see my curse
The Glory of centuries was sacrificed
for the interests of the tyranny
The roots of the land are breaking down
And all the town are falling down into the deep of the earth
The ground opens its throat
Under me only darkness is gazing
Steel monsters break the land
and she her natural richness is giving
Alchemist III. (Conciliation)________cz
After I died my dead body was buried
Somewhere at the foot of these mountains
Here I have long rested for a few centuries
My spirit came into the walls of these chambers
There is the only place left in this country
The rest dissapeared into the deepness, as I predicted
Now I am guarding the lady of the castle,
she wants to save this land and give hope to the people
Now I see everything I have done
My hatred and revenge destroyied this land
Thousands of people lost their homes
My home is now in this forsaken castle
I hate this town – It was my big mistake
It will be falling down – I wish that never happend
I hate these people – If I could turn back time
Suicide, was the damnation for me
Daimonion __________________________cz
The night is spreading her black wings
silence is creeping to every space
Quiet of night is slowly loosing
in the moonlight and his rays
Your tired body' s falling asleep
But your thoughts still resonate
From the deep now louder echoes
this magic mysteroius voice
Which controls all your next days
In the morning when night is gone
you coming back from the empire of dreams
This voice in your mind still run
and now you know what it means
Your body is awaken back to life
He´s resonating in your ears
The voice of your own conscience
is always by your side
He lets your time freely streams
Everything is gone, but he remains
and he´s guarding all your ways
He tells you how in a crusial moments
He show the right way from the maze
Cleaning out the Closet______________cz
You´re running for a long time
And now you need the oxygen
Your way is narrow down
It´s a challenge for the man
Now it´s your time to stop
And try to take a deep breathe
Now it´s time to look back
and clean out the closet
Many things that weigh you down
must gettiing off your life
Throw away all you don´t need
to get on and high
Experience is here for you,
bitter experience too
You never need all these friends,
who are only the parasites
What doesn´t kill you,
will make you stronger
Cut off these rotten branches,
then you can grow up better
Life is very short
and there´s no time to lose
We don´t need waste the time
with those, who other just abuse
Quintessential (Song for J.)_________cz
What is day without sunshine
What is night without stars and moon
What is rain without drops of water
What is sky without clouds
What is life without love
I am the water, that you can drink
I am the air, that you can breathe
What is sleeping without dreams
What is body without soul
What is brain without thoughts
What is forest without trees
What is storm without breeze
I am the water, that you can drink
I am the air, that you can breathe
I am the ground, where you can stand
I am the fire, which burns in your heart
I am here for you, I´m Quintessential
You are here for me, you are the root of my existence
Speed of Darkness___________________cz
When the light collides with the darkness
Then it doesn´t have to fight
For its existence it just is
and the evil darkness is out
We are living in dark ages,
Evil thought is faster than light
If you wanna hurt, theres no limits,
(but only your mind)
The good follows the light slowlier than spite
If you want meet the light
Then you will free your mind
If you don´t have to fight
Your existence is your right
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